We Wear the Workers' Seal

A crew of about 35 hard-working volunteers joined us to clear invasive shrubs/vines, pull weeds, plant native shrubs, ferns and perennials and move a mountain of mulch. All as part of a memorial tribute to James Baird our former Stake President who passed away last year from carbon monoxide poisoning. In one of his talks I remember his reference to the hymn “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” and how much he loved physical labor. He also loved nature and with his ward youth built a trail into the woods. We are creating a native plant garden at the entrance to these woods. We were honored to have members of the Baird family join us — this despite having a tragic loss again in their family, this time of a son (brother, uncle) Andrew James Baird, whose funeral will be this Monday. Our love and prayers go with the family and we hope that when they visit this area of the DC Stake Center they remember our affection and appreciation for James and for their family.