We are a regional group of the Utah-based LDS Earth Stewardship and are guided by its goals and by-laws. We are not officially affiliated with the LDS Church.
Earth Stewardship East welcomes others to join us from throughout the Eastern United States.
After receiving approval from the Board of LDS Earth Stewardship to launch a regional group, Merikay Smith contacted Kate Cummings and Matt Markoff to join her in leading the new group. We held our first meeting on May 22, 2016 with 25 attendees (plus children) - a potluck picnic and program at Merikay's home. (See photos below.) Children took home tadpoles from the pond, adults left with vegetables from the garden, and we all shared ideas about what this new group can be. Highlights of Pope Francis' letter to the world on caring for our common home, Earth, was the focus of our inspirational program. (Check out our blog posts "On Care of Our Common Home" for insights on the Pope's encyclical. )
We seek to grow in our personal care for the Earth as we share information and environmental service with others. Our focus is on personal and local earth stewardship. We follow the guidance from LDS leaders to be actively involved in environmental conservation (lds.org/topics/environmental-stewardship-and-conservation).
We are a free, nonprofit and nonpolitical group -- we welcome anyone who wants to join us.