We are a chapter of Latter-Day Saint Earth Stewardship for the Mid-Atlantic region launched in 2016 by founder, Merikay Smith.
Email: midatlantic@
Membership is free.
Join Latter-Day Saint Earth Stewardship.
If your zip code is in MD, VA, or DC you will automatically become part of our local group. Formerly known as Earth Stewardship East, we are now LDSES: Mid-Atlantic. (Our FB page is still at the Earth Stewardship East address.)

For The Beauty of The Earth
For The Beauty of The Sky
Earth Stewardship East is a community of volunteers united for Earth stewardship.
We believe that we exist on the Earth in a critical time. Our decisions can impact all life that exists and will exist on this world. We honor the Creator as we protect and care for our Earth.
FOR THE Love Which From Our Birth
Over and around us lies
We are grateful for previous generations that preserved and cared for the Earth.
“As beneficiaries of the divine Creation, what shall we do?
We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it,
and preserve it for future generations.
And we are to care for and love one another.
Honoring the Creator by living and testifying of
gospel principles of earth stewardship.
All are welcome. We are not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, though many of us follow that faith.